
Would you like to become a member of TEAAP and TERSSA?

To be a member of TEAAP, you must support Tennessee Extension as an office support staff professional. 

To be a member of TERSSA, you must support Tennessee Research or Extension as an office support staff professional.

This includes those who support Extension programs regardless of the employees’ source of funding and/or exemption status on a case-by-case basis . This may include those working in regional and county offices, 4-H centers, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture campus (“Knoxville Campus”), Tennessee State University campus (“TSU Campus”), and UT research station field locations.

Membership dues are now being accepted for Calendar year 2025 (January 1 – December 31, 2025).  The cost of membership remains $20 for new members regardless of the date you submit your dues.  If you would also like to become a member of TERSSA, we are also accepting those membership dues of $15 for calendar year 2025. Renewing and new members must all complete the membership form below. 

There are four classifications of membership with TEAAP: Active, Associate, Ex-Officio and Honorary.

Active members shall be currently employed in any of the Tennessee Extension entities who have paid annual dues into the State Association, are in good standing, and are contributing as a productive member. Active members shall be entitled to vote, hold office, and participate in discussions and activities of the Association.  

Associate members shall be former active members who have retired and who have paid annual dues into the State Association. Associate members are a valued part of membership; however, they shall not have the privilege to hold office or vote. Retired members will also be given the option to become Associate Lifetime Members by paying the one-time lifetime dues. 

Ex-Officio members are exempt Tennessee Extension staff who contribute to or oversee components, which assist in reaching the goals of the Association. Ex-Officio members shall not pay dues, are not entitled to vote, and do not have the privileges of active membership. 

Honorary membership may be bestowed upon a member/retired member in recognition of outstanding service to the Association. Recommendation in writing shall be made to the State Membership Committee Chair. The State Chair will present a recommendation to the Board of Directors who, after two-thirds of the vote, shall recommend the candidate to the Association at an annual meeting. A majority vote of the members assembled shall be required to confer the honor. An Honorary Member shall pay no dues except where she/he is an Active or Associate Member.  

Are you ready to join? Click the button below!